Friday 22 June 2018

The Everglades - The River Of Grass

The Everglades - The River Of Grass
In Room 4 we have been focusing on inquiries. We started off with writing inquiries then we moved on to reading. This post is about my reading inquiry.
Our class goal is to take the key information then summarise.
I personally think that I did a pretty acceptable job doing it. My favourite section of the whole thing was reading the book, because I love reading! I had trouble finishing because I was also trying to finish my second writing inquiry at the same time. I took a bit longer to finish because, I took most of the info and summarized it, instead of just taking parts of the info.
Have you ever been to the Everglades? Let me know down in the comments below.

Thursday 21 June 2018

The Bike Outing - Adrenaline Writing

The Bike Outing - Adrenaline Writing

Room 4 were given a video and were told to write about it. I chose to write about a person that was doing an extreme bike ride.

Our class goal for this activity was detail, like adding in adjectives, nouns and verbs. My favourite part of the whole experience was actually writing about what I saw. Ms Dods helped me out with most of my writing, but soon I got the hang of it and was up and going again. We also did another piece of adrenaline writing, this one I called Lunch. It was about a lion trying to catch its food, the buffalo. I had trouble along the way making it 3 paragraphs and adding detail, but in the end at least it got finished.

Have you ever been on an extreme bike ride before? Let me know down in the comments below.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Zac Efron - The Star Of High School Musical

Zac Efron - The Star Of High School Musical

This term Room 4 have been focusing on the arts e.g singing, dancing, acting, cooking.

I decided to do an actor called Zac Efron.

The easiest part for me was collecting the information, because there were so many websites about him.

Our class goal was to grab the key information then summarise. I think that I did a pretty good job

summarising my info. After came the decoration for Zac Efron I wanted to watercolour an old

fashioned camera. I think that it looked awesome.

Quick question, can you guess how many movies Zac Efron has been in?

Let me know in the comment section below.

Monday 18 June 2018

Anna Pavlova - The Greatest Ballerina Known

Anna Pavlova - The Greatest Ballerina Known

Lately Room 4 have been working on the arts writing inquiry. I personally chose a lady called Anna Pavlova.
Our class learning goal was to get the key information then summarize. To summarize you have to get the key info the turn it into your own words. Plagiarism is the word for when you copy and paste strait onto your own work.
My favourite part was the design segment. Something that I learnt along the way, is that you don't always have to have a capital letter for mum and dad. Sentence structures are also very important.

Can you guess how old Anna Pavlova was when she died. Comment below if you know the answer.

Monday 11 June 2018


Hello, my name is Ella and I am in a year 7 at Matawai school. I come from Christchurch New Zealand but I've now been living a Matawai for 3 years. I absolutely love the school. My culture is New Zealand European and I'm also half Australian. I live in a family of five, I have two younger brothers and a mum and a dad. I live in a rural community. I do not live on a farm I just live in a cottage.

My family have a dog named Duke, he is a chocolate Labrador and he's turning 8 this year. I enjoy to dance a lot, in fact I've been dancing since I was only 2! It’s my favourite hobby. Another one of my hobbies is hockey. I’ve been playing for 3 years now. My fondest food isn’t really a food as such it’s dark chocolate mint, chocolate. In school the subject I like the most is reading. My goal for this year is to improve in everything that I do.

Someone I look up to is my Mum and Dad, they are both so amazing in everything they do. I am really looking forward to going to the Aims Games and running the cross country against Intermediate schools across New Zealand.